
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:美國帕斯菲達(dá)pulsafeeder電磁計量泵LPH4MB-KTC1

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:加藥泵流量調(diào)節(jié)方式:4-20mA+液位信號控制,泵頭材質(zhì):PVDF
  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:pulsafeeder帕斯菲達(dá)
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美國帕斯菲達(dá)pulsafeeder電磁計量泵LPH4MB-KTC1,加藥泵流量調(diào)節(jié)方式:4-20mA+液位信號控制,泵頭材質(zhì):PVDF *手動:頻率,沖程同時可調(diào) *流量0.5-95升/小時,壓力2-21Bar *自動:可選4-20mA4-20mA信號,液位信號接收功能 *21種機型 美國帕斯菲達(dá)pulsafeeder電磁計量泵LPH4MB-KTC1,加藥泵流量調(diào)節(jié)方式:4-20mA+液位信號控制,泵頭材質(zhì):PVDF






?所有型號標(biāo)配: 三功能閥,注射閥, 底閥, 進出口軟管(標(biāo)*的型號無三功能閥) ?電源:220V*大功率:300W

*手動:頻率,沖程同時可調(diào) *流量0.5-95升/小時,壓力2-21Bar *自動:可選4-20mA4-20mA信號,液位信號接收功能 *21種機型

? 如果排放管路中的流體壓力低于環(huán)境壓丿J.則在排放管路屮使用抗虹吸閥。如果注入點位于水


連接時使用提供的規(guī)定尺寸的管道。管道連接要牢固,防止化學(xué)藥品泄漏和空 氣進入。由于配件中使用塑料螺母,因此不可過度擰緊配件,即只能用手?jǐn)Q緊。 NPT(美國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)錐管螺紋)吸入閥和排放閥決不可擰得過緊。NPT     吸入閥和排 放閥只能擰緊到 25-35 英寸磅(4.5-6.3 kg/cm)。? 如果使用放氣閥組件,則應(yīng)可靠地連接一條回流管路(軟管),回流管路連接回 到儲罐。要避免化學(xué)藥品可能造成的傷害,沒有安裝回流管路前決不要嘗試使 用放氣閥啟動。


? 提供一臺背壓/注入閥以保持計量性能。標(biāo)準(zhǔn)注入閥中的彈簧典型地增加 17-20 PSI(1.17 – 1.38 BAR)到管路壓力上,H8 泵除外,這種泵增加 8-10 PSI(.55-.69 BAR)。注入閥必須安裝在排放管路中。*好的方法是將注入閥安裝在化學(xué)藥 品注入點。

? 如果排放管會暴露于直射陽光,應(yīng)使用黑色管來代替隨泵提供的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)白色半透 明管。如需要黑色管,請與供應(yīng)商聯(lián)系。要防止堵塞或避免止回閥發(fā)生故障,請務(wù)必在吸入管末端安裝一套過濾器組件這套底閥/過濾器組件務(wù)必安裝在距離儲罐底部上方 1-2 英寸(2-5 cm) 處,這樣可以避免儲罐底部可能積聚的固體堵塞過濾器?;瘜W(xué)藥品儲罐和底閥/ 過濾器應(yīng)定期清洗,確保連續(xù)**運行。如果溶液中周期性地沉淀出正在泵送 的化學(xué)藥品,或者化學(xué)藥品難以溶解或不能完全溶解(如氫氧化鈣),則應(yīng)在化 學(xué)藥品儲罐中使用混合器。這些在許多電動機配置和安裝中都很容易提供。如 需要可與供應(yīng)商聯(lián)系。

? 如果注入點的稀釋不是很快進行,則 會導(dǎo)致管道腐蝕。這個問題很容易避 免,只要遵守下面這一簡單規(guī)則:安 裝注入接頭,使其端部伸入涉及管路 的液流中央。根據(jù)需要修整注入器頂端。

注:可提供適用于大型水管線路的延長注入組件。如欲了解更 多信息,請與供應(yīng)商聯(lián)系。

PULSAtron Series E Plus Metering Pump

504 GPD @ 20 PSI, 230 VAC

4-20 mA Input with Dual Manual Control and Stop Function Input
Stroke frequency control via 4-20 mA signal input, manual stroke length control. Stroke frequency is manually adjustable when in local control. Includes stop function input.

General Description
Pulsafeeder PULSAtron Series E Plus chemical metering pumps are positive displacement, diaphragm type pumps. Output volume is adjustable while pumps are in operation from zero to maximum capacity. The PULSAtron Series E Plus contains a highly reliable timing circuit as well as circuit protection against voltage and current upsets. This pump features solenoid protection by thermal overload with auto-reset. The Series E Plus guided check valves, with their state-of-the-art seat and ball designs, provide precise seating, and excellent priming and suction lift characteristics. Our timing circuit is highly reliable and, by design, virtually unaffected by temperature, EMI and other electrical disturbances.
Pump Controls
Adjustment is by means of readily accessible dial knobs, one for changing stroke length and the other for changing stroke frequency. Both knobs are located opposite the liquid handling end. Automatic control via 4-20mA DC and stop function inputs. Auto-Off-Manual switch.
Drive Assembly
The pump drive is totally enclosed with no exposed moving parts. Electronics are housed in chemical resistant enclosure at the rear of the pump for maximum protection against chemical spillage. Average electrical power consumption is 130 Watts.
Materials of Construction
See Specifications tab. Chemical metering pump housing shall be of chemically resistant PBT thermoplastic. All exposed fasteners are stainless steel. Valve seat and seal ring are renewable by replacing the cartridge valve assembly.
Pulsafeeder PULSAtron Series E Plus Chemical Metering Pump - Key Features

  • Manual Control by on-line adjustable stroke rate and stroke length.
  • Highly Reliable timing circuit.
  • Circuit Protection against voltage and current upsets.
  • Panel Mounted Fuse.
  • Solenoid Protection by thermal overload with auto-reset.
  • Water Resistant, for outdoor and indoor applications.
  • Indicator Lights, panel mounted.
  • Guided Ball Check Valve Systems, to reduce back flow and enhance outstanding priming characteristics.
  • Few Moving Parts and Wall Mountable.
  • Safe & Easy Priming with durable leak-free bleed valve assembly (standard).
  • Reliable metering performance.
  • Rated "hot" for continuous duty.
  • Leak-free, sealless, liquid end.
Type:Diaphragm Metering Pump, Solenoid Driven
Product Line:PULSAtron Series E PLUS
Operating Modes:4-20 mA / Off / Manual
Max. Flow (GPH):21.00
Max. Flow (GPD):504
Max. Pressure (PSI):20
Max. Viscosity (cps):1,000
Max. Strokes per Minute:125
Flow Control:4-20 mA Input with Dual Manual Control and Stop Function Input
Turn Down Ratio:100:1
Head / Fittings:GFPVDFL
Valve Balls:Ceramic
Diaphragm:PTFE faced CSPE
Valve / Seat / O-ring:TFE
Connections:Tubing 3/4" O.D.
Power Supply:230 VAC 50/60 Hz, US Plug
Notes:No Bleed Valve with this model.


A weighted foot valve/strainer assembly, a 1/2" NPT male injection fitting/back pressure check valve assembly, 4' suction tubing, 8' discharge tubing and Owners Manual


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